viernes, 8 de noviembre de 2013

The Future

Hi classmates is good to see you again  i hope that your are fine and with many mood like me!
Today i going to talk about  the future. i will talk about   what i think i will be,  personally i don’t  think and i don’t care in the future cause i live the present and this is what matter’s, but if you ask me how i imagine my life in a couple of years, i believe that will be living in Santiago for works motives, i don’t like this idea but i think that i have to do it for necesity, so for the same reason i think that i will be working in  university research   departament in the career that i studied, geographer!  A adition, i would like to be with my girlfriend to living together and many  years later, have a children. As i think that my parents will stay in the same place, i will visit in the weekend.
With respect to my achievement, i hope to can  get my academic degree like i geographer  and  have my own home to be stable and quiet. I hope i will see the peace world, no more wars and love for all the world jajajaja is only a joke i think that this is impossible! but  really i hope i will see a less inequality among the rich and the poor and the mankind will have consciousness about the environment  and his importance  for our lifes!
Well, this is all that i think about the future i hope that i can make and achieve all the target i have in mind… i see you to the next class and regards for all’s!

4 comentarios:

  1. jajaja I laughed when you says that you live the present. it is a Little child. Also I think that is better for you to live in Santiago in the future :)

  2. Wow this is a important change, because maybe you'll live in Santiago and not in Melipilla D:! I’m so impress hahahahahahah
    You must be a miss world hahahahah, you want the peace world, no more wars and love for all the world (?) Uy, Uy I never though this about you xD! Although I think very well, you must postulate to presidency :D xdd
    Careful Rodrigo :D

  3. ha ha ha, you are a good son of Marx, Chavez and Fidel.

  4. Hi dear Rodrigo or the next miss mundo? jjajaja awww you have many childrens with your girlfriend awww *.* jajajaja Regards!
