viernes, 22 de noviembre de 2013

A walk i would like to do again

Hello to al my blogspot friends! I hope that your right, this days was been very hot! I don’t like the high temperature i would like that all the days was cold! But however, this nothing i can do!
In this new blog i going to talk about a walk i would like to do again, i don’t remenber some specific walk  so…. Mmmmmmm i just thinking something! I Going to talk about the walk i had to do to arrive to Machu Picchu city, more exactly, to come to country called “Hot Water”,  the town at foot to the Machu Picchu ruins and mountain. I walked for this place the last summer, when i went to Peru with my girlfriend and my friends, this walk was very beatiful, i had never know somewhere like this, the place  exactly is a line train for where you have to walk to come to the ruins, (if you don’t want to walk, you can take the train to arrive in 20 or 30 minutes, but this is more bored! because the train is for the older mens!)  I walked for this place two hours around, is really really amazing!, the road is only jungle! Is a narrow road, because you walk for the line train, but  if the train is coming, you have to stay beside the line while the train go to few centimeter of you! Is very xtreme! Also, the line is beside the river, so i had to be more careful or i could die!  But i enjoy very much this walk because this is only wild, i could see only natural green things  surrounded for big mountain like a giant that they see while i walk for the jungle!
However, i would like to do again this walk because is like a way  i  connecting for the nature, when i could see only the river sound if my mind was in peace! Is very relaxing, in spite of the  hiking is tiring!
Well my friend this was my walk i would like to do again! I see you to the next class regards for all’s!

3 comentarios:

  1. Hi dear Rodrigo! I'm dont like the high temperature :C i hate jajaja I live you walk jajaja is very beautifull for the jungle and the river aside of the road! i like too walk for this place :) regards

  2. ohhh Rodrigo I remember Machu Picchu too, although was a very difficult road for arrive to "hot water" city, but is a great experience in this place :)

  3. ohhhh i always wanted to go to Machu Pichu. I think that is a great place, with a unique symbolism of the south american men and his history. Goodbye Rodrigo!
