viernes, 29 de noviembre de 2013

Music Producer

Hello to all the bloggers! I hope that your right! Days after days we are more near to holydays, i need it to can rest!
This day i going to talk about a job i would like to do, in the past i done some job to win some coin for my things, my first job was  in the field like a seasonal worker when i was 15 years old, when i had 17 and 18 years old i worked like a slipper seller (this was the best job i won a lot money!) and finally i worked in a video game shop (my boss in this store was a really monster!).

 However, the job i would like to do today is the same job the teacher want to do,  i would like to be  a music producer, working in a recording studio,  composing, creating and mixing my own music and the others band. For i can make this job, i need a lot money because the equipment is more expensive, for example, i need a room only to record, with a good acoustics isolated with specific material, i need a computer with many microphone among many others thing.   
Your own qualities that you need to can make this job is a love music, a good hearing to you  can realize when the music is listen bad or good or this need some arrangement.  I think that i will be good doing this job because i like the music, i like compose music and when i have free time, i would like to record my own songs with my computer with some basic recording programs, is a very funny because i can créate the virtual instruments like a drums or bass guitar with the programs and later, i can play and record my creation in guitar over the virtual rough cut.
I must confess that i don’t have a any specific person like a inspiration to this job, i began to like this job when i seed to my friend musician like they created and recorded songs  and his computer, so i realize how they created entire songs without need any other musician, this was amazing! So i think also i can make this kind of things with my computer and some recording programs.
                                                                            Well classmates this was my presentation i see you to the next class regards for all´s!

4 comentarios:

  1. Friend I hope that you someday can be the best music producer :)

  2. Hello dear Rodrigo!
    your job is very interesting but difficutl because is very work but is great job and very funny, in addition you can work with many know bands!!!!

  3. But dude, you are not a producer, you are a ROCK STAR!!! your place is at stage, destroying heads with the metal riffs! not at backstage!!! Greetings dude!

  4. interesting job, this world needs more music, do it, master!!!!!!!!!!!!!
