sábado, 5 de octubre de 2013

The Rapel Lake

Hello to all my friends of blogspot i hope that you are fine! Yesterday i don’t  went to the class because i stayed sleeping cause i was so tired for the reason that i went to the very important heavy metal concert the last Wednesday.

In this time i going to talk about a beach or lake that i have visited! The past year i told about of the a beach so was a repeat topic if i return to talk of this again, so i going a tell about the “Rapel Lake”. The Rapel Lake is located in the Sixth Region called Libertador Bernardo O’higgins.  I went with my father and a friend with his daddy, that he is a old friend of my father, to two or three years ago.  This place is a very beatiful lake and so is near of my home to go to holiday occasionally.

 we stayed in a home of a person that he share us it  and my daddy know him.  This house had a big dock and in this with my father we fished carp and others fishes in the night. Also we prepair a big barbecue but when we was careless a cat robed and ate a lot of the flesh that we was prepairng… (damned cat!). however, i remenber this lake because the moment  was a very funny and relaxing experience that i want to return to do. Well that is all dear classmates the next time i see you in the class regards for all!

2 comentarios:

  1. ha ha ha, you must to be more careful with the cats, and what happened with the cat? did you eat it?

  2. Hello Rodrigo!
    The Rapel Lake is very beautiful, once I went with my family to camping, and we enjoyed so much, the landscape is very cute and is quiet...
    See you !
