viernes, 27 de septiembre de 2013

I will wish to learn to sing!

Hello to all the people blogspot! I hope that you are right and you enjoyed the “Fiestas Patrias” and  you had been ate many tipycal food!

In this time i’m going to talk about the one thing that i would like to learn to do, personally  i would like to learn to sing! i wish can sing like important artist that i  like and  as   i’m a “music devotee” and of the all things related of this, sing  is one of my many future targets. Nevertheless this  is not a simple thing that you can just go and do  like i was in the shower singing ! It is very difficult challenge if you don’t have practice. Like in the school i was in a choir team,so  i know certain things about the i need to sing, for example, in the choir team i learned  to recognise the musical notes and excercises to can sing its,  nevertheless  in the team i was just a novice and still  i require many many practise. 
 Approximately i will need a couple of years to can sing well, because like the voice is a something own of the human capacity, this need more work that other unnatural musical  instruments. The equipment that i would need is simply any musical instrument to can know  the musical notes that i have to sing, a guitar, a piano, a keyboard are good chooise! (i have my guitar to can practices!)  if i practice all the days and a couple of hours  i think that i would get a good results in a short  time.  For that you can know my  out sopken references , right now i will upload a pictures of the artist that i like.

All right classmates that was the thing that i would like to learn in a some moment of my life i see you to the next class regards for all’s good bye!   :)

6 comentarios:

  1. one of my dreams is sing "Comfortably Numb" of Pink Floyd, alive with a tribute band, maybe one day i wish...

    1. classmate Confortably Numb is a excelent song! very very good! also i would like to sing this song together with i can to play the guitar solo! Have a too feeling! regards!

  2. you must to take classes with Pavarotti. ha ha ha, great master.

  3. Jajajajajajaj You should be learn to dance, is more easy jajajajaja xD! I'll see you soon xd

  4. Hi rodrigooo!! You have practice!!! and you will be the next Pink Floid :)
    Lucky Rodriguin!

  5. Rodrigo I love the songs, but not to sing... I think that you must take dance class, because you are bad dancer.
