viernes, 18 de octubre de 2013

My Dog called Rex!

Hello to all my classmates to 2 weeks ago i don’t came to english class, the first week cause for a very important concert, and the second time because the teacher said that  we had not class that week. i hope that you are fine and in this time a going to talk about a pet that i had.
Today i don’t have any pets (i would like to have someone but while i’m living with my father this is a imposible dream), so i going to talk about my last pet that i had, he was a dog called “Rex”,  i don’t remenber how  i obtained this dog  but for the few  thing i remind, a unkown person gave to my sisters a dog and so she said me that the stranger still he had a brother of her dog. So my sisters  went to my house one day, to long years ago, and she bringed to dog. This dog was very beatiful, he don’t had any race he was  a “kiltro”, but its doesn’t matter! He was a White and tender dog that he always was happy!
 I don’t know to say the thing that my dog did, because he did all the normal things that all the dogs in the world to do!  Eat, sleep, run, move tail when they are happy, i only can remenber that  when i got off to he garden of the house, he instantly came to me moving the tail and full happiness because he knew that we can play and run for the garden a couple of hours to day.
 I have to accept that as i was a child in tha time, i was not very responsable for the basic look after of the dog, so my mom care in a lot time of the thing that the dog needes. Once in a while i leave him some wáter and food or clear his canine waste… unfortunate one day, while i was in the school and then i came to my home, my daddy said me that the Rex strangely was dog!!! =( he said me that for the reason that Rex was recent washing, someone could to rob him when he go outside the home.
However this was my sad history pet, i see you later to other funny english class! Good bye regards for all’s!

5 comentarios:

  1. Hi dear Rodrigo, hope you have a new pet someday!
    but you enjoyed the dof called REX!!!!

  2. Fisrt!!! aahahahhaha
    Hi men, i also had a dog called "Rex". It seems to be that the name "Rex" was a very popular dog name at 90´s jajajjaja Greetings men! \m/

  3. Rodrigo is sad that you don't have a pet. The dogs make glad the life :)

  4. Hello!
    The ""kiltros" are the best race!!! They are grateful of your love always!!
