viernes, 11 de octubre de 2013

A Wild Boar Barbecue!

Hello to all my friends of blogspot i hope that you are right today we not have english class so i can't seed you! i'm so tired because i arrived a little time to my home and i'he can;t rest! i arrived, i ate some food and i turn on de computer to check the english activity.
However, today i have to talk about a special meal that i ate with some a close persons, all the weeks i ate a some special food with my parents so, this is not a new situations in my life! so i going to talk about a special food with a dear friend the last year ago. often with a two infancy  friends, we prepair a very delicious barbecue! but one of the  delicious barbecue that we prepared was the most important for us because we prepared a big wild boar!!!! i was in my house in a typical day for me, any interesting, and i sensed that a persons was calling outside of my home, when i went to see who was, i can see that the person that is calling outside of my home was my dear friends called Pancho and Kisli and they bringed a big wild boar to make a barbecue! was not a any special chance, was just a simple friends meeting, but i remenber this meal because this wild boar barbecue was not any plan state, just my friend arrived to my home and ready! we created a special meeting from the nothing!
 Well my blogspot fan i see you to the next class regards for all's!!

3 comentarios:

  1. Uy Rodrigo Chef jajajajajajajajaja I still hope our to eat exit. I thik Mane and Javi, they still hope the same thing

  2. Rodrigo you are very pig to eat, you always eat meat xDD, but is special your barbecue with your infance friends!

  3. that is nothing, the past year I ate mammut with with dinosaur eggs.
