viernes, 13 de diciembre de 2013

The Summer is coming!

Hello to all my friends of blosgpot i hope that you are right  i’m very very happy  because i’m waiting for the holidays and the semester finish!
In this time i going to talk about the plans and the things i do in the summer! One of the best season year because  i can to do nothing! Only rest and make the basic thing of the home!  But this situation was when i’m a child, now… i have to think  many plans to do! For example! One of my principal purpose is to find a good job so  i can   have some money so i can go with my friend and addition, for i save up money for the future! But as the holidays is to rest! So  I hope i will spend more time with old friends  that i can’t to see in the university season. In addition, i would like to do more sport exercise as to go to the gym and i go to run in the countryside because is a way for me to connect me with the wild is very relaxing!, doh! Almost i forget the more important thing!   Also i hope to be more time with my girlfriend  In short, i hope that this summer will be very active for me because i don’t  like to do anything i will fell like a lazy and idler if i don’t  to do nothing! Here is the Joe Satriani’ Song called “Summer Song” is a very relaxing song and his sound is perfect to think in the summer!
Well friends this is my post i see you to the next class regards for all’s! 

viernes, 6 de diciembre de 2013

A Game I Played As A Child!!!

Hello to all my friends of blogspot i hope that your right i’m very happy because day after day we are more near to come  the holydays and we can forget all the university things!

However, while i stay in class, i have to do the work! In this day i going to talk about a games i played as i child, i played many games in this beatiful phase life! For example, as i was the younger  brother family, i don’t played with my older  brothers, so i had to play with my friend neighbors, one of my favourite game i played with them, was the  game called “hide and seek” , when i had 8 or 9 years old, so i had to look for to my friends before they arrived to the “base”, it was so funny, but when i began to grow and  i had 11 and 12 years old,  i played “table games” like “Monopolys” or “Risk”, this last one was the favourite table game for me, it is a strategy war game and you have to conquer the world! In that time i began to choose to my really best friends so i played with them!
When i had  13 and 14 years old, i loved the video game! But  I had never any game console this was so sad! , but my nephew that he had my same age he had a famous video game in that time called “Super Nintendo”, so he invited me to play with his console video games like the classic “Super Mario” or “Donkie Kong Countrie”, this games was the best game ever invent! I enjoyed very much all this game because when i played it,  i was living a term life with any care and complication! That period is one of the best in the life!

All right this was my post i hope that you like it and i see you the next week regards for all’s!!

viernes, 29 de noviembre de 2013

Music Producer

Hello to all the bloggers! I hope that your right! Days after days we are more near to holydays, i need it to can rest!
This day i going to talk about a job i would like to do, in the past i done some job to win some coin for my things, my first job was  in the field like a seasonal worker when i was 15 years old, when i had 17 and 18 years old i worked like a slipper seller (this was the best job i won a lot money!) and finally i worked in a video game shop (my boss in this store was a really monster!).

 However, the job i would like to do today is the same job the teacher want to do,  i would like to be  a music producer, working in a recording studio,  composing, creating and mixing my own music and the others band. For i can make this job, i need a lot money because the equipment is more expensive, for example, i need a room only to record, with a good acoustics isolated with specific material, i need a computer with many microphone among many others thing.   
Your own qualities that you need to can make this job is a love music, a good hearing to you  can realize when the music is listen bad or good or this need some arrangement.  I think that i will be good doing this job because i like the music, i like compose music and when i have free time, i would like to record my own songs with my computer with some basic recording programs, is a very funny because i can créate the virtual instruments like a drums or bass guitar with the programs and later, i can play and record my creation in guitar over the virtual rough cut.
I must confess that i don’t have a any specific person like a inspiration to this job, i began to like this job when i seed to my friend musician like they created and recorded songs  and his computer, so i realize how they created entire songs without need any other musician, this was amazing! So i think also i can make this kind of things with my computer and some recording programs.
                                                                            Well classmates this was my presentation i see you to the next class regards for all´s!

viernes, 22 de noviembre de 2013

A walk i would like to do again

Hello to al my blogspot friends! I hope that your right, this days was been very hot! I don’t like the high temperature i would like that all the days was cold! But however, this nothing i can do!
In this new blog i going to talk about a walk i would like to do again, i don’t remenber some specific walk  so…. Mmmmmmm i just thinking something! I Going to talk about the walk i had to do to arrive to Machu Picchu city, more exactly, to come to country called “Hot Water”,  the town at foot to the Machu Picchu ruins and mountain. I walked for this place the last summer, when i went to Peru with my girlfriend and my friends, this walk was very beatiful, i had never know somewhere like this, the place  exactly is a line train for where you have to walk to come to the ruins, (if you don’t want to walk, you can take the train to arrive in 20 or 30 minutes, but this is more bored! because the train is for the older mens!)  I walked for this place two hours around, is really really amazing!, the road is only jungle! Is a narrow road, because you walk for the line train, but  if the train is coming, you have to stay beside the line while the train go to few centimeter of you! Is very xtreme! Also, the line is beside the river, so i had to be more careful or i could die!  But i enjoy very much this walk because this is only wild, i could see only natural green things  surrounded for big mountain like a giant that they see while i walk for the jungle!
However, i would like to do again this walk because is like a way  i  connecting for the nature, when i could see only the river sound if my mind was in peace! Is very relaxing, in spite of the  hiking is tiring!
Well my friend this was my walk i would like to do again! I see you to the next class regards for all’s!

viernes, 15 de noviembre de 2013

A damned study field!

Hello again to all my dear classmates! In these days the heat is unbearable! I think that we should stayed  in our home’s  cause the high  temperature means that some people don’t think so good! However, i’m  in the class and not in my home so i going to make the blog! (but i not have idea about the topic i going to talk).
I think in a topic! I going to talk the last study field  that we went with my classmates for the geography subject soil.  This was a very tiring field that we lived with my team group, me and my dear friend (only womans)  i must confess that the field i like it very much,  in the field, we went to the place called Popeta, near to my city Melipilla (that was so cool! Cause i not had  to go to Santiago and i can wait from the bus near to my home, is was great! I could wake up later! ) when we arrived to the work place, we had to dig  ut a very big hole to can study the floor features. This was the most hard part to the study field cause the temperature was very high and make the hole was a very hard work! , but in spite of everything, i enjoyed this experience cause i like to be under hard physical conditions, but my dear woman suffered a lot! She are princess!!!  she not have to make any stupid hole! But unfortunatelly , we had to do the hole anyways…
When we finished the dammed hole, we had to go to others side to make other hole!! Other one hole!!!??? So in that moment all the group hate to the study field! Cause was very difficult for our found a suitable place to can dig out! And the heat that day was awful and so, we was very very tired! So, when the study field finished! We can go to our home to rest!
Well classmates this was my post i see you soon and regards for all’s!

viernes, 8 de noviembre de 2013

The Future

Hi classmates is good to see you again  i hope that your are fine and with many mood like me!
Today i going to talk about  the future. i will talk about   what i think i will be,  personally i don’t  think and i don’t care in the future cause i live the present and this is what matter’s, but if you ask me how i imagine my life in a couple of years, i believe that will be living in Santiago for works motives, i don’t like this idea but i think that i have to do it for necesity, so for the same reason i think that i will be working in  university research   departament in the career that i studied, geographer!  A adition, i would like to be with my girlfriend to living together and many  years later, have a children. As i think that my parents will stay in the same place, i will visit in the weekend.
With respect to my achievement, i hope to can  get my academic degree like i geographer  and  have my own home to be stable and quiet. I hope i will see the peace world, no more wars and love for all the world jajajaja is only a joke i think that this is impossible! but  really i hope i will see a less inequality among the rich and the poor and the mankind will have consciousness about the environment  and his importance  for our lifes!
Well, this is all that i think about the future i hope that i can make and achieve all the target i have in mind… i see you to the next class and regards for all’s!