viernes, 13 de diciembre de 2013

The Summer is coming!

Hello to all my friends of blosgpot i hope that you are right  i’m very very happy  because i’m waiting for the holidays and the semester finish!
In this time i going to talk about the plans and the things i do in the summer! One of the best season year because  i can to do nothing! Only rest and make the basic thing of the home!  But this situation was when i’m a child, now… i have to think  many plans to do! For example! One of my principal purpose is to find a good job so  i can   have some money so i can go with my friend and addition, for i save up money for the future! But as the holidays is to rest! So  I hope i will spend more time with old friends  that i can’t to see in the university season. In addition, i would like to do more sport exercise as to go to the gym and i go to run in the countryside because is a way for me to connect me with the wild is very relaxing!, doh! Almost i forget the more important thing!   Also i hope to be more time with my girlfriend  In short, i hope that this summer will be very active for me because i don’t  like to do anything i will fell like a lazy and idler if i don’t  to do nothing! Here is the Joe Satriani’ Song called “Summer Song” is a very relaxing song and his sound is perfect to think in the summer!
Well friends this is my post i see you to the next class regards for all’s! 

3 comentarios:

  1. Hellooo dear Rodrigo! woooww you have many plains for this summer! i hope you find a goog job and enjoy with your friends! but the principal you enjoy of the rest! :)

  2. Friend I will work in this summer too, damned money xd I hope that in this holidays you can have a rest and relax of the university.

  3. good song, see you tomorrow to face the final test, I hope you have become a true English man.
