martes, 30 de abril de 2013

A Beach.... A topic that i don't like!

Hello people of blogspot and i hope that you will be fine!!  i see you again  but this time in a very bored topic...... the beach!, personally i don't like the beach and i don't go very much to the beach and besides, i know a few beaches in general but however, the job is the job. 

The beach that i like is the Quisco Beach, located in a central litoral in the "San Antonio Province", i like it because this is a very beatiful place and is a very quite beach to be and rest.

I don't go very often to this beach, the last time i went  in a "activity field" with my classmates and the  geomorphology subject, i had to study the coast and the natural process that happend in this, is not a very funny activity to be in the beach...

When i go to the beach in my free time i prefer  go to sleep to relax me, sunbathe and think and reflect about my life and my things,also, i like build castle sand and play with beach balls. I don't like very much  the beach in the summer because there are many people and i never found a place to go to sleep.
That is all my dear friends i see you to the next activity in the following Tuesday, enjoy the free Wednesday regards for all's!!! =)

4 comentarios:

  1. Hi Rodrigo!!
    In Summer there many people, but i like the typical fair and play taca-taca jajaja. In winter is so quiet and enjoy more the landscape.

    A hug =)

  2. The quisco is the best place! I wan when small whit my family! I Love!
    Regards Cami!

  3. Hi rodriguini! awjkawjkawjkawjkawjkwjk, i hate the summer and the beach but i lie in my blog awjkawjk, the quisco beach is a beach tipical, I visited her a few times but i don't like awkjwajk
    see you later! :D

  4. "El Quisco" is a classic, who has not been with friends :D
