martes, 30 de abril de 2013

A Beach.... A topic that i don't like!

Hello people of blogspot and i hope that you will be fine!!  i see you again  but this time in a very bored topic...... the beach!, personally i don't like the beach and i don't go very much to the beach and besides, i know a few beaches in general but however, the job is the job. 

The beach that i like is the Quisco Beach, located in a central litoral in the "San Antonio Province", i like it because this is a very beatiful place and is a very quite beach to be and rest.

I don't go very often to this beach, the last time i went  in a "activity field" with my classmates and the  geomorphology subject, i had to study the coast and the natural process that happend in this, is not a very funny activity to be in the beach...

When i go to the beach in my free time i prefer  go to sleep to relax me, sunbathe and think and reflect about my life and my things,also, i like build castle sand and play with beach balls. I don't like very much  the beach in the summer because there are many people and i never found a place to go to sleep.
That is all my dear friends i see you to the next activity in the following Tuesday, enjoy the free Wednesday regards for all's!!! =)

lunes, 29 de abril de 2013

"The Miserable"

Hello again to all my dear friends and blogger fans is good i see you again has been a long time!!
The last film that i saw in the cinema is called "The Miserable" by the director Tom Hooper and based in the french novel written by Victor Hugo in 1862.
The film talk about a prisoners called Jean Valjean that avoid for the prison to don't be a slave , and should escape all his life for the a police called Javert. While Valjean runaway, he found a lost and poor little girl called Cosette and she will become like a daughter for him and together should live a very hard life during all the movie!. The history es based in the French Revolution.
I saw the film in February in the Cine Hoyts with my girlfriend to the "Valentines Day", was a very romantic day!!! jajaja. The film is a very beatiful en moving history and the it is narrate like a musical all the movie, is the first time that i see a film like this and i like it! is very interesting and you put attention all the time i never bored! i recommend this film to all my  blogger friends you will not repent!
I see you to the next time in blogspot my dear friend good bye regards for you!!!!!

martes, 9 de abril de 2013

My Ambiton to the Future...

Hello to all my dear blogger fans!!!!! (jaja is a joke... i don't have any blogger fans!)

Is good i see you again in the blogspot page and this time i going to talk about my ambition to the future...... (i heard that  classmastes of the other course talk about the his firts concert in his life.... personally i would have liked to talk about this topic but however... the teacher rules jajaja)

with respect to my ambition to the future  my principal ambition to the next years is i have a musical group!  and playing with this in the concerts and rock pub.  I wanna play in front off  many people, all screaming and  "headbandings" with the guitar riffs of our songs fuck yeah!!!! jajaja but before of this, i want compose and record somes albums if possible jajaja.... (i'm thinking that i don't going to record any thing because i don't have time to play guitar for cause of university).

The reason because i have this ambition is very simple..... I love the music! and i will like be a professional musician when i grow!  to make this real i have to find some musicians to complete the band, mainly i need a drummer, a bass guitarist , a rhythm guitarist and principally a singer. also, i should begin to compose melodic and riffs guitar for have a base.

If i  can achieve my purpose i will be one of the mens more happy in the world because this is my principal dreams in my life... so impossible is nothing!!.

So, i hope that you like the topic and i  will see you to the next week! good bye regards for all!!!.

martes, 2 de abril de 2013

In The End... It's Doesn't Even Matter!!! =)

Hello my friends of Blogger!! I hope that you have been fine!! =)
This homework is very funny for me! because a i love the music and la next song that i going to update es very especial for me..... it is  a song that i listened a long part of my life and without a doubt it is  the very important song in all my teen and in the present.... the song is "In The End"!! writed and composed  by Linkin Park group and it is the four single from the "Hybrid Theory" album, published in 2001.
 Without a doubt it is considered for the many  Linkin Park fans like the best song ever in the history of group, when in 2002 the song won in the MTV Video  Music Award, the "Best Rock Video" award and the "Best Year Video" award.

 The song belongs to the Nu Metal Style because compound for 2 parts, the first part is  the rap verses singing by the pianits and guitarist of group, Mike Shinoda , and the second part, for the chorus singing for the principal vocalist, Chester Bennington.

I heard this song for the firts time when i watched video music in MTV channel and it song was transmit. i like this song because it have a very intelligent lyric for me that in my adolescence it represented very much  to me , i release feeling and energy with this song! the message that the song transmit is simple... In the end, it's doesn't even matter!...... the best song ever composed for me! =)