lunes, 8 de julio de 2013


Hello to all my Blogger' friends is good i see you again in the department, one month of strike is a very very long time... i hope that you will be fine! =)
 I'am overdue with this homework but now i going to make all the works that i should finish! and in this time i going to talk about a restaurant that like me! is a very funny topic because i love to eat, i eat all the time but i don't go to eat to other side very often.  The restaurant that i choose is called "Bravissimo" and this is like a Soda Fountain where you can to drink and eat  a very delicious ice cream, cakes and pies. The only  Bravissimo Branch that i know  is located in Santiago Center (near to Ahumada' promenade) but you can find others Bravissimo in many places. The ice cream that you can drink in this Soda Fountain is very very goods! is a few  expensive place but i prefer this ice cream shop because i can drink a very huge dish of ice cream that kill the hungry to anyone!
Here is the Bravissimo'Page for the you  can see the very delicious things that make it and you can go and enjoy!

That is all my dear friends and i see you tomorrow in the english' class regards for all's! =)

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