martes, 19 de marzo de 2013

About me... =)

Hello teacher, friends and my classmates! my name is Rodrigo Meza, i'm 20 years old and i'm a Chilean University student. My family consists of my  parents and me and i live in the Melipilla city .
In this blog i'm  going to talk about my likes and my hobbies mainly, for example, one of the my principal hobbies is playing electric guitar and listening to  rock music among other things, given this, one of the more important subjects in my blog is about the information of the musical groups, recent updates of the musical and instruments news. 
Another  of my principal activities is the sports, mainly running some km during the day and going to the gym often. During this year i would like to travel around the world, iwould  specialy  like the to know  American Continent rest! Also i would like to learn speak english very well! 

Allright! this es my blog my friend, classmates and teacher, welcome!!!

6 comentarios:

  1. hi rodrigo c: jijiji you're to rude, you know obviously xddd, i like your musical style and can you play the gitar, it's very cool c: and pretty jijijiji
    bye bye
    p.s : ooh if so athlete jijiji

  2. Friend!! I like your blog, I think that I will write often in your blog. Kisses for you!

  3. Hello "amigou" ajjajaja You're the "Metal boy" and I like that. I hope the "Metal Fest" review in April. Well, this is all.
    Goodbye :D

  4. Rodrigo fall in love jijijiji, I hope in the future, I will follow you, mm bye bye.. xd

  5. rodri :D you rock =), you are a great person :) don´t change ever =P

  6. jajajaja Hi roro!! you are a dark and rude boy jajajja i liked!!!!
